Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

my diminishing return's peak

The law of diminishing returns states that satisfaction will reduce, along with the increase in intensity. I think now I’m at the peak point of the diminishing returns. I’m getting bored with all of my activities. I don’t mean that it’s not fun, but the fun is reducing little by little and now I 'm starting to lost the fun.

Back to the diminishing returns, to increase again the satisfaction, the way is to reduce the intensity. I think I’ll try to vacuum a little bit, after I’m done with all my jobs. Just like fasting, we don’t eat and drink and when we open fasting the food and drinks tastes very good.

Actually, I’m a person who easily gets bored. I don’t like doing routine things without an increase, I don’t like a black and white life, I need colors, I need an increase, I need a challenge. I’ll try to find something new, either it’s a new environment or new activities. Or maybe I’ll try the Chris McCandless's way hehe.

Any advice?

5 komentar:

  1. wah... mau kaya Into The Wild, bos? btw, aku kasi quotes dari little miss sunshine:

    "If I wanna fly, I'll find the way to fly. You do what You love, and fuc* the rest."

  2. wah kayak into the wild seru itu. hhaha. kok kakak adik (baca= mas koplak-ian) moodnya bisa barengan gitu ya haha.
    mungkin memang harus mencoba sesuatu yang baru. seperti lolos HNMUN itu pasti menjadi sesuatu yang sangat baru yang bisa bener2 bikin hidup seperti baru. hahaha.

  3. want something new? get laid, have lots of sex, get drunk, and do drugs!

    yo ora lah.

    it might not actually be the intensity, but the quality. try something new, learn something that you've always wanted to learn

    nek meh survival tenanan, saran ku ojo melu2 into the wild >_< kae mah packaging nya indah tp akhir2nya de'e rada messed up in the head ngono. Coba nonton 'Man vs. Wild' di Discovery Channel. survival, realistis, professional (sampe sekarang orangnya masih idup, belum mati karena makan jamur)

  4. kin2 "mungkin memang harus mencoba sesuatu yang baru. seperti lolos HNMUN itu pasti menjadi sesuatu yang sangat baru yang bisa bener2 bikin hidup seperti baru. hahaha."

    beneran kin, hidupku sekarang berubah. aku sekarang jadi susah tidur hehe..

  5. plak,,kayaknya kamu sekarang harus rajin update blog,,biar ...

